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Blog posts from The Yoga Place Zürich

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Why age doesn't matter when you want to do a yoga teacher training.

Why age doesn't matter when you want to do a yoga teacher training.

Age really doesn't matter in our Alignment Yoga Teacher Training courses. No matter whether you are young or already a little older, whether you have physical challenges or not – you will find your place with us! This article explains why.

Why we suffer - the 5 Kleshas in Yoga

Why we suffer - the 5 Kleshas in Yoga

Why do humans suffer? This question has been on our minds since the beginning of humanity. In yoga philosophy, we find an answer and a guide to escaping this suffering.

The article sheds light on the kleshas, five fundamental causes of suffering in yoga philosophy. These psychological obstacles influence our thinking and behavior and are deeply rooted in human nature.

Difference between Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Raja Yoga

Difference between Hatha Yoga, Meditation and Raja Yoga

This article is intended to provide clarity on the subject of Hatha Yoga, meditation and Raja Yoga, whose Yoga Sutras are widely read in yoga teacher training courses. I explain where the differences lie, how the terms originated, where they merge and why Patanjali was not a Hatha yogi.

Yoga and loosing weight - does it help?

Yoga and loosing weight - does it help?

Does yoga help you lose weight? That's a good question and in this article I explain why it may not have a direct effect on the scales, but still has an indirect effect. 

Who can call themselves a yogi or yogini?

Who can call themselves a yogi or yogini?

I recently talked to Joey Mascarenhas about this topic. We came to the conclusion that a yogini or yogi is characterized by the fact that he or she possesses different qualities, consciously promotes these qualities and develops them further on his or her path. Find out more about these qualities in this article.

Why yoga is not always good for your back

Why yoga is not always good for your back

Yoga is good for many people with back pain. But not all of them! I would like to explain why this is the case in this article. I'll look at the 3 main mistakes that lead to even more back pain in yoga.

How to find more resilience and emotional stability with yoga

How to find more resilience and emotional stability with yoga

Resilience, burnout, exhaustion, stress.... Who is not affected? I'm not saying that yoga is the cure for all our physical and mental problems. But why yoga helps you become emotionally stronger and more resilient is what I explain in this article.  

How Martina found her first clients for her own yoga classes after the 200h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training

How Martina found her first clients for her own yoga classes after the 200h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training

After the first two days Martina wanted to quit the Alignment Yoga Teacher Training with us. Why she stayed, how she already has regular participants in her own yoga classes and how she has already enrolled for the next 300h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training with us, this article tells. Read more...

Why you can do a yoga teacher training also just for you

Why you can do a yoga teacher training also just for you

Do you wish you had more confidence and expertise in yoga? Are you sometimes unsure whether you are doing the yoga exercises correctly? You don't really want to teach yoga, but you're thinking about taking a yoga teacher training and wonder if it's even possible?

In this article you will find out why it makes sense and is possible.

How much do Yoga teachers earn

How much do Yoga teachers earn

Are you toying with the idea of teaching yoga and wondering what you can charge for it? Do you want to start your own yoga business and wonder if you can make a living teaching yoga? In this article we answer these questions.

What to look for when choosing a yoga teacher training?

What to look for when choosing a yoga teacher training?

There is no lack of offers for yoga teacher trainings, especially in Switzerland, let alone in the yoga hotspot Zurich! The offers range from multi-year trainings to short trainings that can be completed within 4 weeks...continue reading

What you should know as a yoga teacher:in about yoga injuries

What you should know as a yoga teacher:in about yoga injuries

Yoga injuries, especially among us yoga teachers, are a bit of a taboo subject, but they are also a reality. This article is intended to break down this taboo and enlighten.

Alignment Yoga Explained

Alignment Yoga Explained

"Press the ball of your right big toe a little harder into the mat and stretch from the inner edge of your shoulder blade to your pinky. Can you feel the difference? Pay attention to your breathing, don't tense up."
If you hear such instructions from the yoga teacher and are left a little longer in the individual exercises, and there are also yoga... (continue reading)

Alignment Yoga as Yoga Therapy

Alignment Yoga as Yoga Therapy

Whoever takes a yoga teacher training in Alignment Yoga with us learns therapeutic elements from the very beginning. This is a natural part of our training and is, so to speak, in the nature of this style of yoga... read more

Too flexible for yoga

Too flexible for yoga

"Yoga is not for me, I'm much too stiff!" That's an argument you often hear when it comes to why someone doesn't go to yoga. There's also a fear behind it that you might embarrass yourself - and let's face it.... Read more

How Yoga helps to combat strokes of fate

How Yoga helps to combat strokes of fate

7 years ago, it was summer, Seraina came to me for the first time for a private yoga class. A young, healthy woman in her early 30's. Seraina didn't have any physical ailment that I could prepare for the class with her, she came for something else. A few months ago she had lost her husband. He fell asleep beside her in good health and never woke up. Read more